
Dockhero writes Docker logs into Heroku logs stream and provides one-click integration with Newrelic for server monitoring.


Dockhero logs can be identified within the Heroku logs stream by dockhero prefix:

term$ heroku logs -p dockhero --tail

If you use Heroku addons for log processing (like Logentries, Papertrail or Librato), the logs from your stack will also appear there.

You can also attach to Docker's logs stream directly, bypassing Heroku's logplex:

$ heroku dh:compose logs --follow

Resources Consumption

The current resource consumption is visible in Heroku add-on dashboard on Resources tab

heroku addons:open dockhero

The environment runs in AWS and has certain limits on total memory and disk space - see Limits and Alerts

You will get an e-mail alert whenever your stack consumes more than 90% of the available resources.

Newrelic Integration

Historical usage is available via one-click Newrelic integration. On Resource tab in Heroku add-on dashboard, enter your Newrelic licence key and press "Install". If you use Newrelic as a Heroku add-on, you can get the license key via CLI:

heroku config:get NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY

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